Mini 16 inch - Handpan F# - SOLD
Here is the latests mini handpan of 16 inches. The top main note is a bit high but the overall sound is interesting. So i guess its a mini soprano lol enjoy !
Handpan - mini 16'' in E pentatonic - SOLD
This mini has one of my second batch of prototypes and found a warm place to retire. The instrument as 5 notes in E pentatonic scale and is a fun introduction to handpans. Its small size makes it easy to carry around and for smaller people to play. Considering it's miniature dimensions the sound is […]
Midnight Blues mini handpan 16'' (40cm) - SOLD
Baptisé 'Midnight Blue' ce premier handpan mini de 16'' ou 40cm a vue le jour comme prototype de coquille épaisse a 1.2mm. Les surface de notes ont dus êtres amincies afin d'aller chercher une vibration harmonique audible de la 5éme. Plusieurs re-tunning plus tard il a trouver sa vocation dans la gamme G5#/ B4, C5#, […]